Voici les entreprises nominées au «Green Business Award»

Communiqué de Presse

Le «Green Business Award» sera décerné fin septembre 2022 pour la quatrième fois: 39 entreprises se disputent le prix tant convoité. Parmi elles, des innovations telles que des collations à base d’insectes, des matériaux en fibres auto-cicatrisants ou une collection de mode créée à partir de fils de récupération sont proposées.

Organisé par «Green Business Switzerland», le «Green Business Award» récompense chaque année des entreprises innovantes suisses qui allient le succès économique à l’impact écologique. Cette année, près de 20 organisations partenaires, dont l’Association suisse des banquiers, digitalswitzerland, economiesuisse, swisscleantech, Swissmemou encore le WWF ont nominé 39 entreprises à l’intention du jury. L’éventail des innovations proposées par les entreprises nominées va de la gigantesque centrale d’accumulation avec production d’énergie par des blocs de béton aux tuiles solaires en passant par les aliments à base d’algues.

Une méthode d’évaluation unique en son genre

Un vaste processus de sélection fait du «Green Business Award» un indicateur de succès pertinent en matière de développement durable et de rentabilité économique, ce qui explique pourquoi ce prix est très convoité. Parmi les solutions nominées, les cinq meilleures seront récompensées par le label «Green Business Excellence», décerné par un pré-jury. Les cinq entreprises concernées devront alors présenter un pitch devant le jury principal présidé par l’ancienne conseillère fédérale Doris Leuthard. Trois de ces entreprises pourront ensuite se présenter à un large public économique lors du Swiss Sustainability Forum le 23 septembre. Le lauréat désigné par le jury y sera également dévoilé. La présidente du jury Doris Leuthard a justifié, en ces termes, la pertinence de ce prix: «La Suisse a besoin du «Green Business Award» car les changements ne peuvent se mettre en place sans des indicateurs d’orientation.»

Le développement durable fait son entrée dans les secteurs d’activité

La quantité et la qualité des candidatures ont beaucoup augmenté depuis la première session du prix en 2019, ce qui réjouit M. Cédric Habermacher, directeur de «Green Business Switzerland»: «C’est formidable de voir que le développement durable est reconnu comme secteur d’activité de l’avenir et que les entrepreneuses et entrepreneurs suisses ont le courage d’aller de l’avant et de penser sur le long terme.» On observe, en effet, sur l’ensemble des entreprises nominées et des secteurs d’activité, une nette tendance en faveur d’une économie plus circulaire. Par exemple, en privilégiant la location de produits à leur vente, on rend aux producteurs leur pouvoir et leur responsabilité. Ils auront alors bien plus intérêt à ce que les produits aient une longue durée de vie et soient faciles à réparer.  Le principe de l’économie collaborative (Sharing economy) connaît aussi un véritable essor. Cédric Habermacher explique: «Une perceuse n’est utilisée en moyenne que 11 minutes, et pourtant beaucoup de foyers en possèdent une. D’un point de vue écologique et économique, c'est totalement absurde. Si nous commencions à partager les choses plutôt qu’à les garder pour soi, cela ferait une grande différence.» 

Doris Leuthard, Présidente du jury, explique pourquoi la Suisse, un petit pays a priori, peut jouer un grand rôle dans le développement d’une économie mondiale durable: «En tant que championne du monde de l’innovation, la Suisse offre les conditions idéales pour développer sur son territoire des solutions qui pourront être reprises à l’échelle mondiale. D’où l’importance du "Green Business Award".»



«Green Business Award»

Depuis 2019, le «Green Business Award» récompense des entreprises suisses qui allient le succès économique à l’impact écologique. Durant la première phase, environ 20 organisations partenaires (composées d’associations de défense de l’environnement et d’organisations économiques) désignent chacune jusqu’à trois des meilleures solutions de leur secteur. Celles-ci seront nominées pour le prix. Parmi cette première sélection, un pré-jury récompense les cinq meilleures solutions avec le label «Green Business Excellence». Les cinq entreprises doivent ensuite présenter un pitch devant le jury principal. Ce jury principal, présidé par l’ancienne conseillère fédérale Doris Leuthard, est composé de 16 personnes, dont Bertrand Piccard (Solar Impulse), Roberto Cirillo (PDG de La Poste Suisse SA), Ruedi Noser (entrepreneur et membre du Conseil des États) et la journaliste économique Patrizia Laeri. Trois des cinq détenteurs du «label Excellence» feront partie des finalistes du «Green Business Award» et le 23 septembre 2022, une entreprise obtiendra le prix tant convoité dans le cadre du «Swiss Sustainability Forum». La Poste Suisse est partenaire principale de ce prix en tant que pionnière du développement durable dans son secteur. www.greenbusinessaward.ch

«Green Business Switzerland»

Green Business Switzerland met l’accent sur les liens positifs qui existent entre le succès de l’entreprise et l’action durable. Si nous voulons préserver notre planète pour les générations futures, l’économie doit faire partie des solutions. Pour cela, un changement de mentalité, ainsi que des modèles sur lesquels les décideuses et décideurs peuvent se baser sont nécessaires. Green Business Switzerland s’engage dans ce sens et propose différents formats. Parmi les acteurs centraux de la coopération orientée vers l’avenir pour l’économie et la protection de l’environnement, on retrouve entre autres l’OFEV, economiesuisse, öbu, Pusch, la Schweizerische Umweltstiftung, Swissmem, Swiss Textiles et le WWF Suisse. www.greenbusiness.ch


Liste des entreprises nominées (par ordre alphabétique)




Alver World SA

Alver Chlorella

Alver processes microalgae into a superfood, offering a sustainable, vegan alternative to animal proteins.



aquama® Indigo®

With the aquama®-Indigo® cleaning solution, a natural cleaning agent is produced by means of hydrolysis, which also has a disinfecting effect.

bNovate Technologies SA


Thanks to BactoSense, microbiological water quality control no longer requires a laboratory. It is done on site and instead of days, the check takes only 20 minutes.

CompPair Technologies Ltd.



HealTech prepregs are composite materials used in applications such as aerospace, automotive and sports equipment. Thanks to their innovative technology, they can be repaired with heat within 1 minute, thus extending the lifetime of the products and reducing waste.

Creabeton Materiaux AG


Pesticide separator based on activated carbon

When cleaning pesticide sprayers and containers, the washing water gets into the environment and water bodies, which has a toxic effect. With the pesticide separator, the washing water is filtered by activated carbon and can be reused.



After the Corona pandemic, many companies have too much space and want to sublet the unused workspace. Deski is THE online platform where teams or small businesses can rent workspace - without a long-term lease.

Energy Vault, SA

Energy Vault Sustainable Grid-Scale Gravity Energy Storage Solutions

Energy Vault has developed a storage power plant that can store excess natural energy and release it when needed - for example, when the wind is not blowing or the sun is not shining. This is done via concrete blocks that are raised when the green energy gushes and lowered when there is a lull, releasing the stored energy.


Essento Insect Food AG


Essento Insect Food

Essento develops, manufactures and markets delicious, healthy insect-based foods such as protein bars, Insect Snack and refrigerated convenience products like burgers. These are an environmentally friendly protein alternative.


Forster Gruppe AG


Hydroponic salad production

Forster Group AG lettuce production takes place in a hydroponic greenhouse that requires no fertilizers or pesticides, reduces water consumption by 70%, and requires 5 times less land than conventional field planting.


Freesuns SA


Freesuns Solar Roof Tiles

Freesuns has developed a range of solar roof tiles to provide maximum photovoltaic coverage for any roof shape and style, allowing everyone to generate maximum solar power without compromising the aesthetics of the building's architecture.


Globalance Bank AG

Globalance World

Globalance World is an "open source" platform for investors of all kinds, who can use it to independently examine the future viability and sustainability of their investments. It allows an "X-ray view" of assets and helps users to better understand the complex interrelationships of financial investments and their environmental impact by means of interactive infographics.


GWF MessSysteme AG


Sonico Balance

Sonico Balance creates a precise and traceable overview of the water consumption in a network along a water balance. In this way, the proportion of water billed can be increased and water losses reduced.


ID Genève Watches


The most eco-innovative watch

The materials used in the watches are circular and have a lower carbon footprint than the industry average. The design is modular, timeless and evolvable to maximize the life cycle of the watch. The case is made of 100% recycled stainless steel collected in the Jura Mountains. The straps are made from 80% grape residue after wine making.


iNovitas AG


infra3D Service

infra3D Service brings users the roads, the rail corridor and other infrastructure assets digitally high-resolution and three-dimensional directly to the workplace or screen. This enables processes to be digitized and redesigned. The accuracy of the web-based service provides, for example, civil and planning engineers with the data basis for the realization of construction projects and simplifies infrastructure maintenance and management.


InterArt of Cashmere World AG 


UpKnit – Upcycling for Uniquenes by FTC

Thanks to newly developed yarn processing and knitting technology, threads of leftover yarns are seamlessly connected. From these upcycled yarns in the sense of zero-waste production, a unique collection was created, as the yarns had different colors.


Inyova Impact Investing


Inyova Impact Investing

Using PIE (Personalized Impact Engine) technology, Inyova Impact Investing allows people to select from a range of impact themes, such as "renewable energy" or "human rights," the ones that matter to them, and then create diversified portfolios of 35 to 40 different companies that fit clients' value profiles.


KYBURZ Switzerland AG


KYBURZ MultiLife

KYBURZ's MultiLife concept extends the life of rechargeable batteries. In addition, a new battery recycling process has been developed that recovers over 91% of the raw materials used in the manufacture of rechargeable batteries without the use of chemicals. The novel process makes it possible to close the material cycle and saves a total of over 71% of gray energy.


Librec AG


Librec - Closed-loop battery recycling

With innovative process technology, Librec AG achieves unprecedented recovery rates of more than 90% of all battery components.

The process produces no emissions and more than half of the required energy comes from the batteries and own solar power production.


Mammut Sports Group AG


Close the Loop

Mammut closes the material loop with "Close the Loop". This process includes a digital rope management service and a future rental business model, an established take-back system in cooperation with climbing gyms, stores and distribution partners (in 14 EU countries by 2023), and a supply chain that ensures the recycling of nylon 6 for high-quality outdoor products.


Mondaine Watch Ltd


Mondaine essence – the probably most sustainable watch worldwide. Good for you, and the planet

The Mondaine watch « essence » is made from sustainable materials such as castor compound (case and band), the packaging is made from rPET with secondary use as a cell phone case, assembled in the factory in Biberist with up to 80% photovoltaic power.


Mover Sportswear SA

Plastic Free Sportswear

Plastic Free Sportswear is a shift in design thinking that is driving movers to take a step back from empty material innovation and achieve even better performance through natural materials, with complete elimination of plastic in clothing.


neustark ag



neustark removes CO2 from the atmosphere and stores it permanently in the concrete. The material enriched in this way enables the cement content in fresh concrete to be reduced to the regulatory minimum. This not only binds carbon dioxide, but also reduces new emissions in the production process.


Planted Foods AG


Planted – plant-based meat

Through in-depth study of the physical and chemical properties and interactions of the raw materials, Planted Foods AG is able to tailor and optimize the texture of their products with a variety of plant proteins. Using process engineering, they are able to recreate the texture of meat almost perfectly.


Prime Computer AG


Prime Computer's Sustainable ICT

Prime Computer is committed to the circular economy and dedicated to reducing e-waste, carbon emissions and energy consumption in the information technology industry.




reCIRCLE - we love to reUSE

The reCIRCLE concept replaces disposable packaging in the on-the-go catering industry with high-quality, washable, microwaveable, tight-fitting containers with lids. The products are Swiss made, made of durable plastic and completely recyclable after hundreds of uses.


Regli Energy Systems AG


NovaAir – sustainable air source heat pump

The NovaAir is a sustainable, energy-efficient and easy-to-integrate heating system for homes and commercial buildings. By operating with the natural refrigerant propane instead of synthetic refrigerants, emissions are up to 700 times lower than conventional heat pumps.


Rework AG


Fashion collections made from used clothing

Collections of Rework are produced according to the upcycling design concept from secondhand clothes that are modified or sewn together again. This saves resources, because no material is more sustainable than a material that needs no production - and is everywhere in abundance.


SBB AG / 89grad GmbH


Upcycling SBB Lockers

The locking mechanism of the safe deposit boxes is controlled electronically and integrated online using an innovative solution. This allows the end customer to pay for and operate the locker via smartphone. An admin portal enables remote maintenance and various analyses of the ongoing business in real time. In addition to classic baggage storage, this digitalization will enable new use cases to be developed in the future (click+collect, parcel services, use cases in the sharing economy or micro-mobility).


Sefar AG


Ecofriendly C6-free hydro- and oleophobic plasma coating (ECOPLAS C3)

The ECOPLAS C3 solution enables water and oil repellent surfaces on polymeric materials, including textiles. The outstanding effects are achieved by using environmentally friendly chemistry and an environmentally friendly 100% dry plasma coating method.


Sharely Schweiz AG 



As a sharing platform, Sharely connects people who own objects with people who want to use them.

Whether you want to try out a new sport or object before buying it, simply dedicate yourself to a one-time Sunday project, or use a tool on loan, anyone can have a reason to use something on loan instead of owning it.


SIG Combibloc Group AG



SIGNATURE 100 is the world's first aseptic packaging material with a 100% reference to plant-based, renewable raw materials, suitable for white UHT milk. The aluminum-free SIGNATURE 100 is made of 82% FSC™-certified board is fully recyclable, is produced with 100% renewable energy and reduces the carbon footprint by up to 58% compared to standard SIG packaging materials.


Sika Technology AG


Sika Monotop®-4012; Sika Monotop® 412-ECO (CH)

Sika MonoTop®-4012 is a 1-component, cementitious, fiber-reinforced, low-shrinkage repair mortar. It contains supplementary cementitious material (SCM) and thus reduces the CO2 footprint of the rehabilitation activities.


Solenthaler Recycling AG


BlackBox® Tonerrecycling

BlackBox® Toner Recycling is the only recycling plant for toner modules in Switzerland, so toner waste no longer has to be exported abroad at great expense. The toner powder is extracted from the modules by wet chemical means, bound and stabilized. This process enables significantly higher mass throughputs than the dry process previously used in Europe.




Highly flexible – coaxial – textile geothermal probe

The textile, elastic geothermal probe can be used at depths of up to 500 meters. The product is food grade, so it can also be used in areas with groundwater resources where you would otherwise not be allowed to install a geothermal heat pump.


Urban Sympheny AG


Sympheny Web-App

Sympheny supports the planning of efficient energy systems for neighborhoods, districts and cities. The software finds the optimal energy systems for any given location by finding the combination of technologies from the entire solution space that delivers the least amount of CO2 at the lowest lifecycle cost.




URESH pigging system

Instead of using a lot of water to discharge the raw materials and valuable products and dispose of them as waste, a pig saves valuable raw materials that are completely recovered. The expensive use of lye, which leads to unnecessary consumption of cleaning water and high disposal costs, is reduced to a minimum.


Valora Schweiz AG


Rental Umbrella - don’t be left out in the rain

Anyone who is surprised by rain urgently needs an umbrella. But there are already several at home. The rental umbrella is a great alternative in the sense of the sharing economy. Thanks to Valora's nationwide network, customers can already borrow umbrellas at over 1,000 sales outlets.


velocorner AG



velocorner is the most efficient online bicycle marketplace in Switzerland. With over 20,000 bikes and more than 350 dealers from all language regions, the company digitizes the bicycle industry, simplifies in particular the purchase and sale between private individuals and thus counteracts the throwaway society.


Votre Cercle de Vie


Votre Cercle de Vie

The farm "Votre Circle de Vie" has been converted to a biodynamic agriculture and combines in the same building the farm, an educational eco-friendly hotel, a holistic restaurant, an organic store and a natural health room.


Nathalie Eggen & Yvonne Samaritani

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À propos de Green Business Switzerland

Green Business Switzerland met l’accent sur les liens positifs qui existent entre le succès de l’entreprise et l’action durable. Si nous voulons préserver notre planète pour les générations futures, l’économie doit faire partie des solutions. Pour cela, un changement de mentalité, ainsi que des modèles sur lesquels les décideuses et décideurs peuvent se baser sont nécessaires. Green Business Switzerland s’engage dans ce sens et propose différents formats. Parmi les acteurs centraux de la coopération orientée vers l’avenir pour l’économie et la protection de l’environnement, on retrouve entre autres l’OFEV, economiesuisse, öbu, Pusch, la Schweizerische Umweltstiftung, Swissmem, Swiss Textiles et le WWF Suisse.